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Where Does Bursitis Occur?

Where Does Bursitis Occur?

Bursitis, especially in teens, is often likely to happen because of sports-related injuries, usually from repeated use of a particular joint or trauma from a direct hit in a contact sport. It's not only sporty types who get bursitis, though. It can sometimes be caused by other problems, such as arthritis or a bacterial infection of the bursa.

Here are some of the areas in which teens most commonly get bursitis:

  • Elbow. Because the elbow is an essential part of many activities, like throwing a ball or swinging a tennis racket, elbow bursitis is one of the most common types of bursitis in teens.
  • Knee. Bursitis in the knee can be the result of falling directly on the knee or any activity that requires long periods of kneeling.
  • Hip. Bursitis of the hip is often associated with running injuries.
  • Shoulder. Bursitis of the shoulder can be the result of something as simple as an awkward fall or as complicated as a rotator cuff injury (the rotator cuff keeps the shoulder secure).
  • Ankle. Someone who goes overboard jumping, running, or walking can get ankle bursitis. Just wearing the wrong type of shoes for a particular activity can lead to ankle bursitis.

How to Detect Bursitis

Bursitis can cause a number of different symptoms:

  • Pain and sensitivity in or around a joint. This is the most common and obvious sign that a person may have bursitis.
  • Difficulty moving the affected joint. This happens because the bursa has swollen and made it tough to move the joint properly.
  • Reddening of the skin. The inflamed bursa may cause the skin around the joint to change color.
  • Burning. The irritated bursa can cause the skin to sting and feel warmer than usual.


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